Growth Academy

The Most Important Shopify Advertising Tool

Shopify Paid Advertising Secrets

The internet is amazing for small businesses when it comes to pure visibility.  If you utilize Shopify paid advertising options, and put up a reasonable daily budget, your ads will be seen by potential customers browsing online. 

The question becomes… what do you tool with the data gathered from advertising via Shopify?  How can you make incremental improvements on your ad campaigns without draining your budget?

Crucial Customer Data to Collect

The most important Shopify advertising tool is organized, cogent customer data analytics.  To increase sales on Shopify, business owners need to know who interacted with their ads down the most specific detail:

  1. Where did the user see my ad?
  2. Did they click through?
  3. How much time did they spend on my site?
  4. Did I capture their email or other contact info?
  5. What demographic are they? (age, gender, profession, location, income level, etc…)

The phrase “actionable insights” is probably overused at this point, but it comes from fact that any good advertising strategy for Shopify involves customer data collection and analysis.  Otherwise, business owners are likely to keep trying the same strategy over and over – the definition of insanity!

When trying to figure out how to advertise with Shopify, focus on allocating your daily budget towards a customized, highly targeted audience. That will ensure your ads are seen by hundreds to thousands of customers across the Internet and social media.  That way, even if they don’t buy right away, your business builds a cache of customer data that informs your next steps.  As long as you can make sense of the customer data you collect, your Shopify paid advertising campaigns will get stronger and more targeted right to your audience 😊

Ad360 – The Ultimate Shopify Advertising Tool

Ad360 takes this one step further by automatically managing your ads to take action based on your customer data. The campaigns run by Ad360 will automatically adjust based on customer’s behavior to maximize your business outcomes! The best part is that you can start ads in one click From there, Ad360s intuitive central ad dashboard automatically organizes the metrics you need to increase your sales on Shopify 😉

Try for yourself the Ad360 App for Shopify with a 14-day Free Trial!