Growth Academy

3 Easy Ways to Enhance Your Shopify Ad Banners

Because the average online user sees nearly 2,000 ad banners per month, it helps to provide a distilled, beautiful picture of your business to potential customers. Use the tips below to hone your advertising strategies for Shopify 😊

State the Product’s Appeal in Simple Terms

When it comes to advertising your Shopify store online, remember most users are scrolling or browsing through hundreds of results!  Save your long-form descriptions for your website.  On the ad banner displays, distill the product’s benefit or appeal to users into 5 words of less.  This is a key advertising strategy for Shopify.

As an example, if you sell organic beauty products, you may write, “NON-TOXIC, 100% NATURAL INGREDIENTS,” on the banner.  Then, if the user is interested, you can give them a quality description of what you mean when they click the adShort and sweet is the name of the game when it comes to Shopify product advertising.  It will also benefit mobile versions of your ads to keep the product appeal concise.

Straightforward Tagline for Shopify Product Advertising

On your “Call to Action” button, combine your concise product appeal with a tagline that is unique to your store – but also straightforward. 

It could be stating a limited-time offer, such as, “Get 50% off Now,” or “Get your Special Deal.” 

It could also speak directly to the desire of the user.  Using the beauty products example above, the CTA button could use any of the examples below:

  1.  â€œEnhance your Beauty”
  2. “Make your Skin Amazing”
  3. “Keep Yourself Beautiful”
  4. “Celebrate Natural Beauty”

Each one of these taglines touch on the desire of a potential customer wanting to look a little prettier in the mirror while using natural ingredients 😉  It gets right to the core purpose of cosmetic products – celebrating their beauty in the best light!

Run 2 Ad Campaigns Testing Different Ad Banners

With a little guidance, running different color combinations, taglines, and product descriptions can become a fun exercise, honing your advertising strategies for Shopify.

Check the 3 variations that Forbes magazine created while analyzing Delta’s online ads:


Notice the different product appeals!  One emphasizes extra legroom, the other the number of destinations, while the third highlights luxury options for first-class.  As you discover the different segments and niches of your own audience, consider what benefits they are looking for from your product.  Then, distill it down into a few simple words, and let those ads roll! 

A/B testing is one of the most crucial advertising strategies for Shopify, so embrace creating several ad versions that highlight different product benefits.  Additionally, you can see which images and color schemes are the best choice for your brand.  Just remember, don’t change too many elements at once!  Otherwise, you won’t be able to tell what change accounted for the improved audience response.

Ad360 Can Automatically Generate Ad Banners for Shopify

If you want a Shopify advertising tool that auto-generates multiple ad banners for you to choose from, try a free demo from Ad360 today!  We’ll make sure your advertising strategies for Shopify are polished to catch the user’s eye.  A good ad banner is a difference-maker when it comes to increasing sales on Shopify, so reach out today!

Try for yourself the Ad360 App for Shopify with a 14-day Free Trial!