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Ad360 hits 250 monthly clicks from Google!

Ad360 hits 250 monthly clicks from Google!
That’s the 1st time we get that many clicks – almost 10 per day! What’s even more striking is that we had gotten our previous badge, the 100 clicks highlight, in mid-May 2022.
Here is our secret.

Ad360 just received a new badge from Google highlighting the fact that we got 250 clicks in 28 days from search traffic!

That’s the 1st time we get that many clicks – almost 10 per day!

What’s even more striking is that we had gotten our previous badge, the 100 clicks highlight, in mid-May 2022.

Considering we started producing regular content on the website in January 2022, it means it took us 5 months to reach 100 monthly clicks, but only one month and a half then to more than double this record!

Here is our secret: regular content production!
Almost every day (from Monday to Friday; in our experience posts on Saturday and Sunday get less traffic), we publish a new article in this blog to provide tips to business owners, to help them with online sales, website tips, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) knowledge, advertising and marketing best practices, e-commerce news review, and much more.

We also regularly publish content in our YouTube channel ‘Ecommerce Success by Ad360’ to help you and your business succeed.

Here are a few videos we recently published about Google search, organic traffic generation, search algorithms update, and SEO best practices:

Feel free to subscribe to the YouTube channel to get daily videos with a ton of free tips!

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