General Growth Academy

Ad360: Precision in Ad Targeting

Ad360: The Game-Changer in Programmatic Advertising

In the dynamic landscape of digital marketing, Ad360 is emerging as a revolutionary force in media buying. This platform isn’t just another tool in the advertising arsenal; it’s reshaping how ads reach audiences effectively and efficiently. Let’s explore what makes Ad360 a standout in programmatic advertising.

Broad Ad Inventory Access

Ad360 boasts a remarkable ability to access billions of impressions daily across over 160 million websites and apps globally. This wide reach ensures your brand can achieve significant visibility and engagement with a diverse audience.

Access to Google Authorized Buyers and OpenRTB

Ad360 leverages the strengths of both Google Authorized Buyers AdExchange (Google AdX) and is implementing OpenRTB protocol to access any programmatic inventory. Google AdX offers premium, brand-safe environments for your ads, ensuring they are placed on credible and relevant sites. Simultaneously, OpenRTB enhances the ad buying process with efficient, real-time bidding, allowing for optimal ad placement and audience targeting.

Advanced Targeting Options

Ad360’s suite of targeting options enables advertisers to craft highly customized campaigns:

  1. Retargeting: By tracking users who have previously visited your website or interacted with your brand, Ad360 can display your ads to them as they browse other sites. This increases the likelihood of converting previous visitors into customers, as it keeps your brand top of mind.
  2. Geo-Targeting & Hyperlocal: Customize your ad campaigns based on users’ physical locations, from broad regions to specific local areas. This is especially useful for localized promotions or for businesses with physical stores wanting to attract nearby customers.
  3. Device Targeting: Tailor your ads based on whether users are on desktops, tablets, or mobile phones. This helps in optimizing the ad format and message to suit the device preference of your target audience, enhancing user engagement.
  4. Day Parting: Choose the time of day or week when your ads will appear. This is crucial for targeting users when they are most active online or when your product or service is most relevant, like advertising breakfast items in the morning.
  5. First Party Audience: Utilize your own data, like website visitor behavior or customer databases, to create highly targeted and personalized advertising campaigns. This can significantly improve conversion rates and customer loyalty.
  6. Site Lists (Whitelists and Blacklists): Gain control over where your ads are displayed by creating lists of preferred websites (whitelists) or sites to avoid (blacklists). This ensures brand safety and relevance to your target audience.
  7. Viewability Filters: Filter out non-viewable ad placements, focusing your spend on spots where ads are actually seen by users. This improves the overall effectiveness of your ad spend.
  8. Historical CTR Filters: Use data on past ad performance to choose sites and placements that have historically high engagement rates. This predictive approach can lead to better campaign performance.
  9. Position Targeting: Select specific ad positions on a webpage, such as above the fold (visible without scrolling) or next to premium content. This strategic placement can significantly increase visibility and engagement.
  10. Languages: Target users based on their language preferences, ensuring that your ads are always in a language that your audience understands. This is particularly beneficial for international campaigns.
  11. Video Placements: Choose the right environment for your video ads, whether it’s within streaming content (in-stream) or in traditional web placements (out-stream). This maximizes the impact and engagement of your video content.

These targeting options collectively enhance the reach, relevance, and effectiveness of your advertising efforts.

Why Choose Ad360?

Ad360 stands out due to its:

  • Expansive Reach: With access to an unparalleled number of websites and apps, Ad360 ensures your brand’s presence is felt across the digital landscape. This vast reach is crucial for building brand awareness and capturing a diverse audience.
  • Quality Placements: By partnering with elite ad exchanges like Google AdX and utilizing OpenRTB, Ad360 guarantees that your ads are not just seen but seen in the right places. This premium placement is key to maintaining brand integrity and maximizing ad impact.
  • Efficient Spending: The real-time bidding capability of OpenRTB, combined with Ad360’s strategic approach, ensures that your budget is spent on the most effective ad placements. This efficiency in spending leads to a higher return on investment.
  • Flexible Targeting: Ad360’s wide array of targeting options allows for highly tailored campaigns that speak directly to your audience’s needs and preferences. This level of customization is critical for engaging and converting your target audience.

Conclusion: A New Era in Digital Advertising

Ad360 is more than just a digital advertising platform; it’s your partner in navigating the complex world of online advertising. Its extensive reach, strategic partnerships, and advanced targeting capabilities make it a formidable player in the programmatic advertising space. Ready to transform your digital advertising strategy? Explore Ad360 and lead your brand into a new era of digital dominance.

Ad360 News

Get $50 ad credit by answering a survey!

Ad360’s mission is to help businesses of all sizes grow easily and be more successful!

That’s why today we’re offering all business owners the opportunity to get $50 in advertising credit (to be spent in Ad360) just by answering a few questions about our apps & features, and how well they respond to your needs.

Help us help you grow your business! 😃

Watch this YouTube video to learn more about the survey and why we’re running this operation:

Gain $50 ad credit by answering a quick survey!

Here is the survey link.

Growth Academy

Digital Ads: Powerful Internet Billboards

The Role of Visual Ads in E-Commerce Advertising

Digital marketing is arguably defined by the ability to use multimedia (text, photos, videos) in combination to promote your product.  When they say “a picture is worth a thousand words,” here are some stats to back that up:

  • Visual content is processed by the brain 60,000 times faster than text
  • Visual stimuli makes up 90% of all info transmitted daily

If you want to make an impact on your customer, improving your visual ads could be the key to increasing sales on Shopify!  This post reviews the importance of visual ads in ecommerce, as well as how to deploy ad visuals while trying to increase sales on Shopify.

Importance of Digital Ad Design

In the past 10 years, users online have gotten used to bombardments of visual ads across the web, as well as mobile apps.  It’s commonplace to be reading a news article, then suddenly see a visual ad banner for footwear or something completely unrelated to the article itself. 

That’s the first key reason digital ad design is crucial to increasing sales on Shopify – you want your visual ad to be so eye-catching it literally draws the user away from what they were doing and toward your site!  If the visual looks cheesy or unprofessional, users may be wary that the product offered is a scam or low-quality.  Your digital ad design quality needs to match your product quality to boost your Shopify sales.

Digital Ad Design Aesthetics – The Key to Increasing Sales on Shopify

If you notice, major brands like Nike or Apple have perfected the art of making sleek, beautiful, simple ads that showcase their products with vibrant colors and dynamic patterns.  Some of the best ad visuals are basically a beautiful digital canvas with the flagship product in the middle, and a simple slogan like, “Get Ready,” or something that simple. 

How to Create a Facebook Ad Using Stunning Visuals
Note the beautiful hue in the background and the simplicity of the design – the product centered with the logo in the top-left corner.

High-resolution photos, edited to enrich the color scheme, may immediately draw the user’s eye.  Additionally, putting your brand logo in the middle of a beautiful colored background may enhance their perception of your product line.  To increase sales on Shopify, you need to demonstrate that your digital ads compete with the sleek professional designs found across the web.

Keys to Digital Ad Design Success

To successfully increase your Shopify sales, Ad360 has provided a few key pointers to follow when deciding on your final ad design:

1. Use high-resolution photos of stock photos, models, or your product centered on the ad visual

2. Pick colors that complement each other

3. Use big colorful fonts for a short, eye-catching message (e.g. ’50$ OFF!’)

4. Put your product or brand logo behind beautiful yet simple colored backgrounds with bright or neutral hues

5. DO NOT CROWD THE VISUAL OR OVERCOMPLICATE.  ONE PRODUCT, ONE IMAGE!  Only use multiple images if you have a specific design model in mind

6. Gifs and videos work too, but make sure the thumbnail is as aesthetically pleasing as a still visual

Ad360 Can Automatically Generate Eye-Catching Visuals for Your Business

A recent survey found that a majority of e-commerce business owners would prefer automatically-generated ad visuals and designs: it would save them precious time to focus on day-to-day operations.  Thus, it could be argued that automating your ad visuals is a keystone to increasing sales on Shopify.

If you want to try automating your ad visuals, try a free demo by Ad360 today!  On top of a centralized dashboard for all ad campaigns, as well as making ad campaign creation as simple as one click, Ad360 automatically extracts data from your Shopify store to create ad visuals.  From there, you will have multiple options of which one to release across the web, drawing in more visitors and increasing your sales on Shopify 😊

Growth Academy

10x more Efficient Video Ads

How can Smaller Businesses Achieve the Same Value for Their Ads?

For most business owners, talking about a $6.5 million Super Bowl advertisement may seem like a moot point. Few companies, even large ones, are willing to dole out that kind of cash for a single 30-second ad spot. However, there are ways online to achieve even better CPM, regardless of the size of your business. To get the highest-value CPM, business owners online need to streamline whom they reach: it simply is cost-ineffective to blast out ads randomly across the web. There are three key traits business owners can target to raise the value of their ad dollars spent:

  1. Targeting customers based on precise geographic location
  2. Targeting customers who have explicitly expressed interest in stores like your yours
  3. Retargeting “likely customers” who have already browsed your store once before

By showing ads to these highly targeted groups of customers online, even local business owners can achieve a similar CPM on their ad dollars as major brands do at the Super Bowl – perhaps even better!!

Digital Video Ads: The Most Cost-efficient Way for Small Businesses to be Seen on TV

Traditional business owners may be unaware that they can run these highly targeted ads on smart TV apps – welcome to the big screen!! When picturing TV promotions, most business owners probably think of local car salesmen running 30-second spots on cable.

Now, businesses can run remarkably efficient ads on Smart TV apps, like Netflix, Hulu, Roku, and so forth. That technology really exists! Your products can be seen on the family’s big screen when folks settle in to Netflix and chill. In fact, with the technology available to target such specific groups of customers, digital video ads are arguably the most cost-effective ad formats available to business owners today. 

For example, imagine you are a local shop owner, and so you only want to pay for ad space that reaches your neighborhood – literally a couple of blocks. Furthermore, within that neighborhood, you only want your digital smart ad to be seen by those who have expressed interest in products like yours, through social media or other shared information. If you were, say, a medical apparel company, you could target local families with individuals working in the medical field – and not waste a cent more on anyone elseThat is the secret to making digital video ads so cost-effective. The surgical precision on where and when to spend your ad dollars is made so much more efficient with this “smart ad” marketing strategy.

We recorded a video to explain in more details how this is possible:

These “hypertargeting” promotional tools save business owners from shooting blanks with their ad spots. That is why we at Ad360 can claim that our marketing sales apps could make your advertisements 10x more efficient. Instead of spending money showing ads to people who will quickly ignore and scroll past, all your resources are concentrated on the very specific groups of customers very likely to take an interest in your Shopify store!

Having trouble figuring out how exactly you’d do that? Contact Ad360 for a free demo and 24/7 support today. Ad360 is a fully automated promotional platform that streamlines all your ad campaigns to one place. We can set up your highly targeted ad campaigns, find the best customers… and then you can brag not only about knowing the CPM of Super Bowl ads next year. You can celebrate sales of your Shopify store multiplying several times over – that’s what we call a game-changer.

Contact Ad360 for a free demo today! 

Growth Academy

Making sense of Insanely Expensive TV Ads

Impress Your Friends at the Super Bowl: A Fun Breakdown of Why Insanely Expensive Super Bowl Ads are Worth it.

Life-Changing Money for You = 30 Second Super Bowl Ad for Brands

Think of all the things you could do with $6.5 million cash today. Buy a home, maybe 2. Definitely a few cars. Hell, I’d go for a boat. That kind of money would be not just life-changing, but would bring a new meaning to the phrase “generational wealth” for your family.

… That’s what companies spend for a 30 second Super Bowl ad. Money that would change your entire life is blown in 30 seconds for some silly commercial.

The question is, is that marketing exposure worth it for brands? Is ad space on the Super Bowl really that likely to drive traffic to their stores? Check out this fun, simple breakdown that makes sense of why brands would be willing to throw so much money for a 30-second spotlight on Super Bowl Sunday!

Think in Terms of “Cost per 1,000 Viewers”

In the marketing world, promotional efforts are evaluated based on cost “per 1,000 viewers” – expressed in the acronym CPM. (Actually CPV, but we’ll get back to the difference between CPM and CPV in another article).

Now, you have to remember, the Super Bowl is the most-watched event of the year in the largest market in the world – the USA.

$6.5 million for a 30-second ad may sound ludicrous at first, but consider the fact that 117 million people watch the Super Bowl. That is a lot of eyeballs on your product.

To calculate CPM on this, follow the simple math below:

$6,500,000/117,000,000 people = $0.055 so just about ~5 cents a person

$0.055*1,000 viewers = $55 spent for 1,000 viewers of your ad

When you break it down like that, the value of super bowl ads starts to make a little more sense… but still. The sheer scale of this money is hard to wrap your head around. Furthermore, you have to consider reruns and “viral moments” on social media, bringing further exposure to the brand message. Imagine your friend makes some silly meme on a commercial, and it gets viewed millions of times… that value of that ad just shot up exponentially.

Thus, when factoring in reruns and the viral nature of social media, we can guesstimate that the CPM of a super bowl is probably 2-3 times lower: maybe around $20-22 for 1,000 viewers.

Want more details on how we got to the result, here is a YouTube video we recorded on this topic:

How can $6.5 million for a 30-seconds ad can be worth it???

…Only $20 to reach 1,000 likely buyers? Now the Super Bowl ads are starting to make a LOT of sense. And hey, bring this up at your next Super Bowl watch party, and you’ll definitely sound like the smartest kid in class 😉 

How can Smaller Businesses Achieve the Same Value for Their Ads?

For most business owners, this may seem like a moot point. Few companies, even large ones, are willing to dole out that kind of cash for a single 30-second ad spot. However, there are ways online to achieve even better CPM, regardless of the size of your business. 

If you’d like to know more, stay tuned for tomorrow’s article. We’ll explain some alternatives for small business owners to run much cheaper but potentially more effective ads. 

Do you want to know more today about running clever ads for a fraction of the cost of Super Bowl ads? Contact Ad360 for a free demo and 24/7 support today. Ad360 is a fully automated promotional platform that streamlines all your ad campaigns to one place. We can set up your highly targeted ad campaigns, find the best customers… and then you can brag not only about knowing the CPM of Super Bowl ads next year. You can celebrate sales of your Shopify store multiplying several times over – that’s what we call a game-changer.

Contact Ad360 for a free demo today!  

Growth Academy

Frank’s story pt4: how to easily get visuals

If you’ve been following the “Odyssey of Frank’s Shopify Store” with Ad360, you know Frank went from a dated brick-and-mortar salesman to selling online during the pandemic. 

He could even implement savant geolocation targeting and other advanced advertising features thanks to Ad360. His ads no longer went unnoticed in Google and Facebook. 

Moreover, he now had access to millions of websites and mobile apps to advertise on.

However, there is a final promotional piece to the puzzle missing here…

Frank and many Shopify store owners getting started with digital advertising face this roadblock.

Sleek, professional, truly eye-catching ad banners.

Who generates them?

Frank read online that most Shopify store owners in his position relied on some third-party app, no matter what they approach. Some downloaded Canva online to paste together a basic ad (which they had to remake over and over), while others hired an Adobe pro illustrator… for hundreds of dollars per banner. Oof.

Frank majored in business management – not graphic design… 

Yet, here, he felt the success of his Shopify store depended on having a variety of ad banners to deploy across the web. Being a one-man-show, Frank already handled all the daily responsibilities of keeping his Shopify store running and his social media at a “base engagement” level. Adding on the burden of pumping out creative ad banners gave the guy a headache. He made one while rushing, and within 30 minutes, his buddy reached out: “Dude, you know that Shopify store ad you just posted on Instagram? It’s off-center dude. It looks like you were drunk when you made it. Just a head’s up.”

Before slamming his head on the desk in frustration, Frank reached out to Ad360’s 24/7 support. They reminded him their software has one of the most powerful creative generator tools in the industry…

Ad360’s creative ad banner feature generates 15 distinct ads of different shapes, colors, and sizes. Even better, the pictures and pricing were automatically extracted from his Shopify store data.  

The guy didn’t have to lift a finger – all these creative, professional-standard ads generated instantly from Ad360’s suite of features.

Frank no longer felt “washed out” or limited testing different Shopify store ads on the web. Some were designed for “above-the-fold” viewing, some for “below-the-fold” placements, and others for almost any ad inventory shape you can think of. 

Even better, Frank found it super simple to keep track of which of these ads performed the best – Ad360 kept that data organized on his Shopify store dashboard. Plus, Ad36 automatically focused on the ads bringing the most visitors and buyers to Frank’s website.

Are you spending hours creating your own ads, only to throw them up and get a less-than-stellar return on ad spending (ROAS)? Please reach out, and try our free demo of Ad360 today for access to our “instantaneous ad generation tool.”  

Never again will you waste your precious hours centering a single ad on Canva or Adobe: you’ll get 15 original designs with the snap of a finger.

All powered by Ad360’s suite of services – try our free demo today to see if it can boost your sales and change your life!

Features Highlights

Automatically generated ad banners

It’s never been easier to start advertising all over the web and in mobile apps, thanks to Ad360 App Dynamic Creatives.

Ad360 App for Shopify automatically and instantly builds creatives banners for your ads. You can also customize these banners and change the logo, background, button and text colors.

The Product details such as the image, price and title are automatically retrieved from your Shopify store. It’s instantaneous, and very easy. Save time and money, and get creatives assets right away.

Ad360’s goal is to make it super easy for everyone to advertise their products everywhere, in multiple ad formats, and grow their business!

If you’d like to learn more, book a demo to see this in action by yourself.